
Oskar Schindler

You should see a movie titled "Schindler List" directed by Steven Spierberg. The film is based on the true story of a businessman named Oskar Schindler who became the savior of the Jews in World War II role. Oskar who is actually a German and formerly managing arms ammunition for the sake of Hitler eventually moved seeing those Jews who were massacred by Hitler's armies.

Oskar is not only concerned for the suffering of the Jews, but he also uses all his resources (wealth) as much as possible to save the lives of Jews who became workers, so they are not executed by Hitler's army. With all his money, Oskar Schindler was able to save 1,200 Jews from the Holocaust. Even when Schindler was leaving the Jewish workers who had been rescued, he wept bitterly when he remembered that he still had one car, which if the car is offered to Hitler's armies there will be some Jews who survived.

As a business people we should apply the principle of love as Oskar Schindler in running our business, although we do not have to waste money for our employees but we must care about our employees, not only enrich us. A simple example is like giving money for treatment for our employees who are seriously ill.
and remember that the quality of the businessman can also be seen as far as what we care to others.

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