
Advantages and Disadvantages of Gold Investment

As we know, gold is one investment that is safe. Additionally, gold also serves as a protective asset inflation of scours. However, gold prices continue to move according to the market situation. Movement, which tends to rise making it one of the preferred gold investment community since the first.

One of the advantages of gold investment is a relatively stable value makes it very useful for long-term household expenses such as the cost of the pilgrimage or the education of children.

Investing in gold is also no need to have any skills, it just takes a small fee to rent a safe deposit box or stored in a safe place at home. Unlike other investments such as stocks, mutual funds, and others that require special attention.

In addition, more profitable gold because gold can be taken any action after being bought for some time, while having the U.S. dollar should be kept up to date.

Even so, gold also has its drawbacks. Lack of investment gold is a store of gold in large quantities relative risk for theft-prone. Besides, if you keep it in a bank deposit box save you will spend more money.

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